Tuesday, November 28, 2006


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Born under the sign of Aquarius, an astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Aquarius. Under the tropical zodiac, Aquarius is occupied by the Sun from January 21 to February 19, and under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently from February 13 to March 14.
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac and associated with future ideas and the unusual. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a creative, challenging, entertaining, progressive, stimulating, and independent character, but one which is also prone to rebelliousness, coldness, erraticism, cowardice, and impracticality. In terms of anatomy, Aquarius is said to rule the legs from knees to ankles and the circulation of blood. In terms of geography Aquarius is linked with Sweden, Canada, Ethiopia and Poland.
Physically, individuals born under the sign of Aquarius supposedly tend to have a vague expression, straight and silky hair, finely chiseled features, and a tall and slender figure. The males are often said to tend to be rather effeminate in appearance and the females somewhat broad-shouldered and masculine.
Aquarius is traditionally thought be ruled by the planet Saturn, but in more recent years many astrologers have labelled Uranus as the ruler or co-ruler of Aquarius, attributing the erraticism associated with the Sign to the planet's influence. In mythology Aquarius is often with the mythological figure of Odysseus, King of Ithaca, from the Greek myth of the Trojan War. Aquarius is also associated with the Greco-Roman god Uranus/Caelus and sometimes the god Cronus/Saturn.

(source : Wikipedia)

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